
Finding the Best Deals on Office Supplies

Being a successful executive assistant often means being a super-shopper, too. Finding the best deals on office supplies can make you a true office hero. Saving money may require negotiating abilities, super Web-surfing skills, and plenty of math savvy. As a successful…

6 Apps Office Managers Need to Stay Organized

You’re already an office superhero, helping your CEO stay on track, fulfilling even the oddest requests for dinner reservations or event tickets, and ensuring the company runs like a well-oiled machine. But even the toughest of superheroes requires an arsenal of tools to…

5 Ways to Organize Your Desk for Success

“A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind.” “A messy desk is a sign of genius.” If you believe what you’ve heard, you might think your clean desk is hampering your creativity. But you don’t have to buy into the messy desk hype. As an executive assistant or a key…