
4 Solutions to Help You Safely Return to Office

This time last year, it was all about leaving the office for your own safety. Now, we are looking towards a time where everyone is trying to figure out exactly how to RETURN safely so we can get back to our regularly scheduled workplace programming. While getting back to…
Event Planning

How to Throw a Virtual Holiday Celebration

Work holiday celebrations have always been an interesting part of corporate culture; from Christmas parties a la The Office or a small gathering at lunch, these times are great for getting to know your coworkers while having fun with the whole team. But since the onset of…
Event PlanningProductivity

4 Perks Your Employees Actually Want

Now that we’ve totally reinvented work from home culture and the conversation surrounding employee benefits has shifted from ping pong tables in the office to focusing on employee wellness, we’ve found ourselves wondering time and time again: what perks do our employees…